CAN-Bus M12 Y-Distributor box
The fully shielded CAN-Bus M12 Y-Distributor box with solid full metal housing and protection degree IP 67 are designed for applications with special EMC requirements and rough environment. For wall m
profibusCAN-Bus M12 Y-Distributor
CAN-Bus M12 Y-DistributorDistributorwithsolidfullmetalhousingandprotectiondegreeIP67aredesignedforapplicationswithspecialEMCrequirementsandroughenvironment
DeviceNet總線電纜價格 5-芯, PVC, 灰色, 屏蔽, 插頭 直頭 7/8“-16UNF, on 孔式 直頭 7/8“-16UNF, 電纜長度: 0.5 m, 插拔式連接器非屏蔽